Lanarkshire Family History Society (LFHS) was formed in 1991 as "Hamilton & District Family History Society" and the group met monthly in Hamilton Reference Library. As the years passed and membership continued to increase, we moved to Motherwell Heritage Centre.
By 2005 the number of members attending the monthly meetings was approaching the maximum permitted for the size of the Lecture room; we again had to move venue at the beginning of 2006 to the GLO Centre.
The society has organised the "SAFHS Conference and Family History Fair" on three separate occasions. We also attend many Family History Fairs throughout Scotland each year. This gives us contact with other societies and helps to advertise that we exist.
The Society opened its own Research Centre in February 2009. The building was originally the "Old School House" also known as the "Janitor's House" at 47 Crosshill Street, Motherwell. Then in 2012 we again moved this time to larger premises at 122 -124 Merry Street, Motherwell. ML1 1NA. Where we can offer better and more comfortable facilities for our members to carry out their research.
While we primarily focus on the 50 parishes of Lanarkshire, we do have research resources for other parts of Scotland as well as for Ireland.